Sebastian Arce & Mariana Montes

Sebastián Arce & Mariana Montes

Choreographers of the show 'Piazzolleando' presented in Italy, Belgium, and England. They are co-directors of the show 'Exodo Tangueando' alongside with Chicho Frumboli. And nowadays prepearing their new show 'Ensayando' with 5 couples and a tango orchestra.

Sebastian Arce and Mariana Montes have developed their pedagogical activities around the world non-stop since 1999. Their names are easily found on the top of the casting of the most renown yearly international tango events, such as Mantova Tango Festival (IT), Amsterdam Tango Festival Tangomagia (NL), Torino Tango Festival (IT), Tango Revolution (IT), 59 degrees Tango Festival (SW), and many other, and last but not least, the biggest tango reunion of them all the C.I.T.A. (International Tango Congress inArgentina).

In February 2009, Sebastian has been named 'ACADEMICO HONORARIO ITINERANTE' by the National Academy of Tango in Buenos Aires.

From their gathered experiences, Sebastian and Mariana have developed their own teaching methodology (T.M.E. = TANGO MULTIPLE STYLES) based on the harmony between conscious and unconscious body control applied to movement/non movement, and changing in tango philosophy  the vision of style, a vision detached from the singularity of style. Their methodology also focuses on awakening senses before applying them to the dance (understanding of relationship stimuli  answer, physical and theoretical/sensorial and auditive), and have as a final goal the self expression, the research of your own dance from the needs created by the student's own tango path, paying much attention to the non-movement, the introspection of the dance, the contemplation.

In 2011 Sebastian and Mariana have launched the VERY FIRST ONLINE TANGO SCHOOL: Tango Meet!

Watch them perform: